Thursday, June 17, 2010

The other side of Turkey

Happy Sweet Sixteen Carley! Early this morning we headed to the Acropolis. After a 45 minute drive through the Asian part of the beautiful country of Turkey, we ascended up the windy hill that led us to the beautiful and ancient ruins (A.K.A. it was really old). After Suleyman , our tour guide, taught us about the history of the ruins (A.K.A. old rocks), he sent us on the journey of photography. Carley and I decided that this was a beautiful backdrop for a personal photo shoot. Everyone scurried to the top of the disintegrating columns and struck an original pose. Ten minutes later we glanced over to find our chaperones (A.K.A. Staves and Rohrbach) copying our beautiful poses (A.K.A. they aren’t very original). After we departed for our next destination (A.K.A. the Onyx Quarry). At the Quarry we were shown how to shine a piece of onyx. We then entered the air conditioned store…finally…air conditioning…it’s really hot here. At this store, our stupendous chaperones decided to buy jewelry that they didn’t really need. Our next destination was a quaint little cafĂ© on the side of the road. We experienced the delicacy that is Turkish pizza. We finally boarded our EF Tours bus to our marvelous beach-side hotel. We spent the remainder of our day by the pool tanning and playing pool games. Overall it was an interesting and educational day (A.K.A.: you didn’t waste your money on this trip).
Kelly Ross and Carley Platt (A.K.A. your beautiful bloggers)


  1. Randy Bliss here...

    You can not put a dollar value on this trip, memories are priceless.

    AC.....your Mom and Dad will go crazy - Mexico is beating France in their World Cup Match 2 to 0!!!!!

    Currently at minute 86 of the match...

    What is the difference between Turkish and our pizza...

    You guys look like you are having a wonderful time!!!

    The game between Mexico and France is a direct parallel to water polo. France team hates each other, and their coach, all stuck up and staying at the most expensive hotel in Africa, while the Mexican team is team - a family, not as experienced but are winning based on their team work, just like Louisville Water Polo..

  2. Happy Birthday to our sweet princess! It appears you girls are having a great time. James picked Mom's pizza tonight to celebrate his birthday. Twins must have some telepathic abilities!
